
Famous Wars Series: 1. Pearl Harbor

Wonderwhy just turned nine and she just celebrated her birthday with family and friends. She kept fall theme as her birthday theme. Wonderwhy had been so creative in decorating her home with fall theme flowers and pumpkins and so many other things. Pineatta was a great hit. She bought pumpkin pineatta and filled with so many goodies. Cutie curious too enjoyed her sister’s birthay party and it was fun for whole family. Now wonderwhy is in fourth grade and she is learning about so many things like geography, history, science and more chanllanges in maths and english. Wonderwhy is all set to take all those challenges and she knows deep in her heart that with her hard work and help from fairy Knowall she will meet all the challenges. While reading about Civil War Movements, so many questions came to her mind, like: “What are all these wars?”, “How many wars were fought in the history?”, “What are the consequences after war?” and so many other questions. We all know kids when Wonder

Wonderwhy and Knowall--Light Lamps and Insects

“Today is the nice weather, let’s go to park for cycling Wonderwhy” her Daddy said. The weather was really good and also following day Wonderwhy and her family had a very heavy dinner full butter and so much of calories. So it was a good idea to go to park and have some walk and burn some calories. Wonderwhy was too happy going to park and playing on swing doing cycling and giving push in swing to her little sister Cutiecurious.At one point of time Wonderwhy wanted to have Ice-Cream and her mother said it’s a dinner time so she can have Ice-Cream later and Wonderwhy agreed very nicely. Full family was happy that they came to park and had a nice time. While coming back Wonderwhy was staring at roadside light lamps and a question pops in her mind. We all know that whenever any question comes to her mind fairy Knowall appears and only Wonderwhy can see her. “Hi Wonderwhy it’s after a long time we are seeing each other, I hope you are having a very nice summer” fairy Knowall said. “I am

Wonderwhy And Knowall--Fall Color

Wonderwhy’s school has started. She is in first grade now. Big change for her. She has adjusted very well in her new class, new teachers, new kids. All her good friends are in different classes now, they get to meet during lunch time. Wonderwhy plays with them during recesses. She is still in the process of adjusting to change from kindergarten to first grade. She responded to her wake up time change very well, during vacation she was waking up so late, but when her school started she woke up early and was able to catch her bus. One more big change for her, Wonderwhy’s one of the tooth is getting loose, she is getting ready for her tooth loss. Recently Wonderwhy had her b’day party on turning six years old. She enjoyed it with all relatives and friends. Well kids you must be thinking Wonderwhy is wondering about what today? One day during late September Wonderwhy was playing tag during recesses time with her friends in her school playground. She has a wonderful playground surrounded by

Wonderwhy And Knowall--Onion and Tears

Wonderwhy is a 6 years old girl. She has a invisible friend fairy her name is Knowall. Whenever Wonderwhy thinks why about any thing. Then her friend Knowall appears and solve all Wonderwhy’s questions. Today what is bothering her, what she is wondering about lets see. “Mommy my eyes are burning a lot, tears are coming out, are you cutting onions” Wonderwhy asked? “Yes Wonderwhy I am making you favorite dish, poha (made up of onion,spices and rice flakes)” Mommy replied. “okay that fine, I will go and wash my eyes, for my favorite dish its fine” Wonderwhy replied. Wonderwhy started thinking “Why this onion causes tears when they are cut?” Now kids tell me who appeared, when Wonderwhy had this question? You are absolutely right, her fairy friend Knowall appeared to solve her question. “joooop…jooooom…..joooop…jooop……fairy Knowall is here”. “Hey fairy Knowall, I am so happy to see you. I know you will be here as I have a question” Wonderwhy said happily to fairy Knowall. “fairy friend d

Wonderwhy And Knowall--Mystery of Firefly

Wonderwhy is a 6 years old girl. She has a invisible friend fairy her name is Knowall. Whenever Wonderwhy thinks why about any thing. Then her friend Knowall appears and solve all Wonderwhy’s questions. Today what is bothering her, what she is wondering about lets see. "Wonderwhy can you please keep your bicycle inside as its already dark?" her mother asked Wonderwhy. "yes sure mommy I will" WOnderwhy went out to keep her bicycle inside. As she went out in dark she saw a lady bug and after some time she saw a firefly. After seeing two types of bugs one is having light at behind and one is not having light at behind, one question popped into Wonderwhy's mind. What makes firefly glow in the dark? as soon as this question popped into her mind her fairy friend appeared and said, "Wonderwhy so today you are wondering about light from firefly right?" "Oh yes fairy friend you are right, can you tell me why firefly glow in the night? Its a magic or there

Wonderwhy And Knowall--Fish and The Rock

Wonderwhy is a 6 years old girl. She has a invisible friend fairy her name is Knowall. Whenever Wonderwhy thinks why about any thing. Then her friend Knowall appears and solve all Wonderwhy’s questions. Today what is bothering her, what she is wondering about lets see. “Cutiecurious Cutiecurious…..give me my small rock. Don’t play with this it is from my collections of rock.” Wonderwhy was telling her little sister as they were playing in a garden that has small pond with so many beautiful and colorful fishes floating in it. “Big sister I like your this rock very much I will play for some more time and then I will return you back” Cutiecurious replied. Wonderwhy agreed and she allowed her little sister to play for some more time with her one of the rock from her collection. Cutiecurious was a little girl she didn’t know what will happen if she will drop small rock in water. She dropped the rock in water and rock sank to the bottom. Cutiecurious waited for rock to come up like fishes we

Wonderwhy And Knowall--About Rainbow

Wonderwhy is a 6 years old girl. She has a invisible friend fairy her name is Knowall. Whenever Wonderwhy thinks why about any thing.Her friend Knowall appears and solve all wonderwhy’s questions. Lets start with the first thing that Wonderwhy is wondering about? It was a very hot summer morning. Wonderwhy was having her summer vacations. Her grandmother has visited her from France. Wonderwhy was planning to take her grandmother at different places in USA. It was summer Wonderwhy thought lets take granma to Niagra falls. It will be fun to go into ‘Maid of Mist’ and ‘Cave of the winds’. Getting wet there will be fun and she was so excited about going to ‘Maid of the Mist’. First she went to ‘Maid of the Mist’ with her family. Initially she was little scared because of large waves that were hitting the ship. She thought her ship will sink. When her invisible fairy friend knew about Wonderwhy’s problem fairy friend assured her nothing will happen just enjoy. After that Wonderwhy was so ha